Here we include a brief summary of further tasks to take this work forward. These suggestions focus on Bangladesh, though could perhaps be a useful template for undertaking more advanced work on using IATI data in other contexts. There are two broad themes of work: firstly, getting more and better data into the system, and secondly using that data for decision-making.

4.1 Getting more data into the system

  1. Simplification of the user interface and incorporation of user feedback. Once donors have begun to use the module, there will be a need for a round of further development to reduce the complexity of the user interface and to optimise some of the workflows.
  2. Training and on-boarding of more donors. Moving donors from manual data collection to IATI import should represent good value for money and provide some significant cost savings relatively quickly, as donor staff can focus on other activities, while the quality of their data is likely to significantly improve. The government can also spend less time chasing donors to provide input to the AIMS, and focus on those donors that are difficult to obtain data from. This component will require support to donors to improve the data they are publishing.
  3. Capture other interesting fields such as results data. Data on results and conditions of projects cannot currently be captured in the AIMS. In the context of using the data for improved decision-making, results could be particularly interesting to incorporate. Conditions data may also be useful for improving oversight of project execution and helping the government to track donor conditionality more effectively.

4.2 Using data for decision-making

Once the AIMS contains good quality data from a critical mass of donors, it will become possible to begin using the data with a view to improving the way resources are allocated and used.

  1. Capacity building with line ministries and donors to use the data. Donors and line ministries could be interesting targets for this work. Data collection and building systems is the hard part; using that data to make better decisions is where the real added value will come from. This will also help to test some of the initial assumptions and goals underpinning IATI. This component should include enhancements to the user interface.
  2. Integrate with other ERD systems. Improving the way that this data flows within ERD – particularly through to budget systems – will reduce further still burden on donors and the government from data capture, and help to strengthen each of the systems.
  3. Consider incorporating NGO data. Beginning to incorporate some NGO data may provide some useful insights on projects, for example by capturing sub-national locations that are reported in NGO activities but not in their funders’ activities.
  4. Promote the work internationally. This work provides a good example in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Data Revolution. Other work could also support outreach to other countries to support their take-up of this module or parts of the methodology.